Actually, I just wanted an excuse to put that picture* on my blog. Instead of enslaving kittens I am in go-go-go-mode trying to get together the last of my letters to send out on Thursday. This is round one. Hopefully I will get more together. Big thanks to anyone that sent me their address or helped me get lists together of people to contact. FYI: I am now proficient in internet forward and reverse yellow page use if anyone wants to pay me for this skill. Just sayin'.
In training news: After a couple days off, I got back out there today. I ran three miles then walked about 3-5 minutes and then ran one more. Not great, but I will be out again tomorrow with a goal of five miles. Not sure where I will run though. I need a new trail. Wah wah. At the end of the week I plan to do a long run of 8 miles. Let me clarify: For me, that is a looooooooooooong run. Use your imagination to picture what I must think of a full marathon. ♥
*The picture was found on cute overload's site and it's from the Humane Society. Thanks lil A for sending it my way!
eeee those kittens!