Sometimes I walk a chihuahua. Yeah, yeah, get your laughs out now. It's like a step away from walking a cat. That's my conclusion anyway. The other day I fashioned an analogy to describe my trouble in convincing the dog to actually move forward: It's like playing golf on the nintendo wii. You know when you get to the final shot and you have to hit the ball just very lightly or it will go into the red zone and start flipping out? Well that's what it's like tugging on a tiny tiny creature in hopes that it will come your way. I fear that if I pull too hard it will just fall over and get dragged across the ground. To be fair though, I have thought about doing that a couple times. Anyway, what I have learned to do is just pick the dog up and carry it a few blocks away, put it down and let it walk home. What can I say, I got tricks.

The dog is very cute though. I don't usually like chihuahuas, and this pup is really sweet outside its efforts to prevent me from doing my job. Also, the owners have the most amazing cat. He has thumbs and I love him.

In training news, I ran about 5-5.5 miles around Durham this morning. The weather was really nice. I just finished my walks for the afternoon, so that was an additional 4-4.5 miles of walking. I have two more tonight. Nap time. ♥
those are some mega thumbz!