Apparently I will have to do it all at once. Yeah, it turns out that's what a marathon is. I have been running a fair amount over the last few weeks, but I am really going to have to get my "A-game on" or something to that effect.
I am in DC for the next few days so hopefully I can run some of the more interesting trails around here and just bop through the city. One thing I hate is to run in one direction for a long time only to have to turn around and follow the same path back to where I started due to a lack of paths or sidewalks. Cities are perfect for zigzagging around. It really keeps you entertained weaving through different neighborhoods. When I lived in Montreal (shout out to my MTL homies) I used to be able to run for so long without acknowledging my exhaustion just because I was always discovering new places. Durham is a little different. The Duke trails are nice, but they get a little boring after a while. Le sigh. I will just have to get more creative. Probably a little more daring too.
16 years ago
git 'er done, kid. git 'er done.
ReplyDeleteemily you are the very best