Other than work, I didn't actually hang in D.C. proper at all. It was mostly a Columbia, MD trip. I like it there. Zack's family is great and I love their dog Opal. She has these eyes that will make you do anything (see below). Suffice it to say, she gets a lot of late night belly rubs. One night she was in such ecstasy she refused to get off the bed so we could go to sleep (she's a big girl and there just ain't room) and Zack had to carry her out.

Unfortunately, I didn't get much done in the way of training while I was there besides my one six miler. Ooops. Between the rain and the 1.5 hour commute each way for work, my motivation to bust it on the trail was definitely compromised. However, I had a pretty good workout today, but I will tell you about that later along with a picture of the dessert I am rewarding myself with. Go me.
Oh also, duh, best part: I saw Pete! We had breakfast and he brought me gifts! A Dave Van Ronk LP and fancy dried pears from Annie. I guess word is out that I enjoy those. Anyway, I gotta get better at this stuff and remember to take phone pics with special people I want to post about. See Annie's blog, gag spot, if you wanna creep on their San Fran lives.
so good to see u dogg