Last night I attended my first group run, finally. Up to that point the dates and times never worked out for me. Also, for no good reason, I was nervous to go on one because I was afraid everyone would be a better runner therefore causing me great anxiety which would ultimately give me a cramp forcing me to quit after one mile, thus experiencing total humiliation. Obviously, that is a little crazy. Turns out running with other people is pretty fun. There were only three of us, so it wasn't too overwhelming. We were able to carry on a conversation the whole time thanks to a relatively easy pace. This definitely makes the run go by a lot faster. It did for me anyway, though I am pretty sure I talked more than my share. My bad.
I ended up doing about 4.5 miles looping around the streets of Carrboro. The day before I did some strength training, so lots of lunges and whatnot. It actually hurt to sit down yesterday and things have slightly improved today, but I guess that means something is working.
16 years ago
i'm proud of you!