I actually got up this morning after just two snooze hits and was out running by 6:30am. As if that weren't a feat enough in itself, I also managed to run 12 miles and tackle some hills*. That said, now for my whine: wahwahwahwahwah my knees. Okay thanks. I mean they are fine just mad at me for torturing them without their consent. I try to make it up to my lil knobbies by wrapping them in these. Buying wrap-around ice pack things was a great investment. Using bags of ice that melt and won't stay put is a real hassle and therefore I ended up never icing my knees, which I think is a bad move.
Today I heard this dance jam in the car on WXYC Chapel Hill. I really liked it and called to ask about it so now I am sharing it with you guys. It's a French gal called Yelle. I guess some of her tunes are pretty famous or she is getting famous since one song had like 10 million views and she apparently remixed a Katy Perry song as per her request. The song I am posting didn't seem to get as much love and there isn't even a real video. I am putting a snippet of the tail end which is probably the best part. Hit the link for the full track beneath the vid.
YELLE - Tristesse/Joie**
*It has come to my attention that the marathon I am running is very hill-y.
**I did not put this track on the internet, it was already there. It's just a link, take it or leave it.
16 years ago
i finally watched this and i think that girl looks like you and its 45 secs which is probably why u like it