Ok alright I know I have been super lame and haven't updated in a month. Now that that's out of the way, let's get down to business. Bullet points are in order:
- Two weeks ago I was supposed to run 18 miles but broke from the pack and accidentally followed the 20 mile route. Big oops. Upside: I ran 20 miles.
- Proceeded to get overwhelmingly busy and fell behind on mid-week training.
- Went apple picking instead of running 12 miles. It was worth it.
- It was worth it until today that is. I had to run 20 miles again with my marathon team (City of Oaks woop woop) and it was a killer. It was a terribly humid day and I just was not prepared. Live and learn.
- I tell my mom tomorrow at her surprise birthday soiree at Lois and John's!!!!!!!!!!! It was really ad hoc but I really wanted to make it something special and to be able to include friends and family that gave so generously. Lookout for a party post.
I don't really feel like typing much more because I am super tired from being up since 6am for my run and preparing for the fiesta. I am so excited about tomorrow!!
umm how did it gooooo?